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A good way to move people

November 19, 2013 at 9:11 am

Meet Glass, Google Glass

November 14, 2013 at 10:59 pm

Daphne Channa Horn | Glass Explorer | @ikbendaf
Daphne is a passionate photographer from the Netherlands. First she studied dentistry and work a few years as a dentist. After she realized that dentist wasn’t the work she was passionate about she started the Photography Academy and became a documentary photographer.

In this lecture she talked about her experience with the Google Glass and how she became a “Glass Explorer”

So, first she talked about how the Glass is started, it began with a project “Project Glass, where the toughs behind Glass where free your hands” Sergay Brin. His vision when he started Google 15 year ago, was that you wouldn’t have a search query at all but that the information is come to you. Daphne said that he believes in wearable computers within Google X.

More about the Glass:

You can’t use a Glass without a Nexus Tablet or Smartphone, that means that the Glass is not a standalone device.
“I wear the Glass for six hours a day” said Daphne, but the Glass has a battery for like 3 hours. So she have to charge it. She thinks that the Glass will cost around the 200/300 euros.

The Glass is a visual layer before the reality. You can see it as a transparent second screen. The job as an explorer is not to sight a contract where everything is secret. It’s more that Daphne have to talk about here experiences and share that with others.

Her opinion about the Glass:

“It may friendlier”

She is careful how to use the Glass because in other countries, you don’t want to share the pictures because of privacy reasons. Where it is possible to bring people in a complex or dangerous situation.

“Glasshole” someone you don’t like with a Glass.

“From surveillance to sousveillance” more camera’s on people than there are in the environment.

Question: Has the Google Glass changed you as a Photographer?

“It is more that I am a Glass Explorer” said Daphne. She got more connections for example with André Kuipers. People see her as someone who is special… when she is walking in stores people are reacting in a friendlier way than when she don’t use the Glass. Maybe that is a sort of status and they are scared of the idea that she can capture everything without knowing.

But if the Glass her changed in a way she takes pictures, she don’t know for sure. Now, she takes more snapshots of everyday things than before. When she is in her house, at the kitchen or drinking a coffee. “I learn more about myself” said Daphne.

My conclusion
It a nice wearable to have. I think you can capture more special moments in a faster way. I definitely should use the Glass when I do trendresearch. Because people don’t know if you take a picture of movie clip. But in my personal life it would be very distracting. I am sensitive for information. I think when I am wearing the Glass I only look at the second screen and don’t see what’s happens in the real world. I hope that Google Glass comes up with special functions that will helps people in their everyday life.