I worked in a multidisciplinary team of students for Funda (Funda is a Dutch organization that the supply of real estate presents on the Internet). The question was: “can you create an idea that has the focus on the people who are first looking for a nice neighborhood and later on looking for a house.” The analytics they let Funda see that the website visitors are very interested in the neighborhood. The current Funda neighborhood page is very static, so they wanted us to add more experience based on the open data.
After we did research with a few respondents, our conclusion was that “a neighborhood is a reflection of yourself”.
Funda BuurtMatch (in English: NeighborhoodMatch)
Is a service where people can find a neighborhood that matches their lifestyle.
About the service:
This service examines the personal values of the user. They are building their own DNA by answering questions in a mainly visual way. Now we know more about the specific person (because we’ve gained more data) we can create a personal profile and give them recommendations. We recommend a few neighborhoods and places where we think that the user will live in the future. For example: they are expecting a child and are looking for a child-friendly neighborhood. Funda knows that they are looking for that, and matches the family with a few child-friendly neighborhoods.
> See infographic based on the research
- Experience Design